Pelvic Pain Runway 4

I recently discovered that my blog posts weren't going out to all my subscribers. Oops. I just spent some time troubleshooting, and as a test post, thought I'd share with you these fun dresses!

Got this at the Gap a million years ago. Also cute with legging, a slim cardigan, and heels.

Got this at the Gap a million years ago. Also cute with legging, a slim cardigan, and heels.

Damn girl, look at those curves!

Damn girl, look at those curves!

I've had this dress since the 8th grade and I still love, love, love it.

I've had this dress since the 8th grade and I still love, love, love it.

Hopefully this will get out to all of you, but if not, I see more fun test posts in our future...

Pelvic Pain Runway 2

Hello Luvvies! I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I. Love. Maxi dresses. And I just found two awesome ones that I am going to share with you. Ta da!

Looking all dramatic with a belt and a ridiculous summer hat I bought at a hardware store. For some reason this pattern is not available online...? Click the photo for other colors.

Looking all dramatic with a belt and a ridiculous summer hat I bought at a hardware store. For some reason this pattern is not available online...? Click the photo for other colors.

The same dress with a sweater (duh.) If this doesn't say I-spent-all-day-at-the-beach-and-now-the-sun-is-going-down-and-its-getting-cold I don't know what does.

The same dress with a sweater (duh.) If this doesn't say I-spent-all-day-at-the-beach-and-now-the-sun-is-going-down-and-its-getting-cold I don't know what does.

Being silly.

Being silly.

Pretty bow in the back.

That's it for today's pelvic-pain-friendly fashion round-up. If you have any photos you'd like to share, give me a holler over on the contact page!

Why is this post about a blogging conference?

It is 6:45 on a Sunday morning and I have sat down to tell you about my amazing experience at BlogHer 2014. What does this have to do with pelvic pain? Everything.

Over the past three days my cause - our cause - has been so beautifully embraced by the BlogHer community. When I said that I was starting a blog about pelvic pain, women opened up and shared their stories, gave me resources and recommendations, even offered to mentor me! Every break-out I went to I made sure to ask a question, introducing it by letting people know about the blog. They laughed at the tagline...and then came up to me after to give me their cards.

I am telling you all of this to let you know that you are not alone. Women everywhere have experiences with pelvic pain - uterine pain, vulvar pain, vaginal pain, bladder and bowel pain (and I'm sure there's more that I missed) - and they are hungry for a voice, for recognition, for gynecologists and urologists and gastroentereologists who are respectful and knowledgeable.

Not a single woman who shared her story of pelvic pain with me said that she got good care, that the problem was solved easily, quickly, and respectfully. Even though there was so much diversity in what type of pelvic pain they experienced, there was a sad unity in that their doctors weren't equipped to provide them with adequate care, never mind excellent care.

Attending BlogHer 2014 fired me up even more to start a Pelvic Revolution. We need attention, awareness, funding, research, and improved training so that doctors can be sensitive to their patients' experience.

So I encourage you to SPEAK UP. If you are too shy to do so in real life, then start poking around online. Share your experiences here in the comments, or start your own blog.

Alone we suffer, together we heal!

Here's me outside the San Jose Convention Center, holding up my conference badge. Note the pelvic pain friendly cotton leggings and dress ;) Click on the photo to go to and learn more about this great community of women bloggers.

Here's me outside the San Jose Convention Center, holding up my conference badge. Note the pelvic pain friendly cotton leggings and dress ;) Click on the photo to go to and learn more about this great community of women bloggers.