Support the Revolution! ChronicBabe 101 Book Coming Our Way

Hopefully you are already familiar with, a website dedicated to helping young women with chronic illness build fabulous lives. I've re-posted and commented on some ChronicBabe posts in the past.

Founder Jenni Prokopy is putting together a book based on over ten years of running ChronicBabe, and she is using Kickstarter to fund it. Kickstarter is an "all-or-nothing" platform, so hop on over, even a buck will help: 

Donate to ChronicBabe Kickstarter Fund!

Like all Kickstarter projects, each donation level gets a 'reward,' a thank you for your contribution. Unlike other projects that require you to lay out big bucks to get a reward, Jenni's rewards start at yes, just a buck, so no excuse not to chip in!

Deadline is Friday March 27th, but you'll totally donate right now, right?

If you don't already get Jenni's weekly blog/vlog posts, sign up here.


Gettin' yer sexy on...Yes, it's possible

Highly relevant post over at this week!

Jenni answers a great question from a reader, "How can I learn sexual confidence in spite of my illness/disability?"

I hope that her answer will be of use to you. I found it very encouraging since it reminded me of the fact that pelvic pain sufferers are not the only folks challenged with creating rewarding sex lives. Yup, it affects other folks with chronic illness, and let's face it, pretty much any human being.

Sexuality is about the whole person, not just the parts.

Remember to read the comments to see additional resources suggested by the awesome Chronic Babe community, and hear about their challenges and successes. 

Here's to a randy weekend!

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A note on the heart graphic:

One of my Women's and Gender Studies friends in college told me that the heart symbol evolved from a stylized depiction of a woman's vulva, viewed straight on, with her lifting the top two corners to show it off. I have no way to verify this, but I love the idea of replacing the heart's sappy innocence with something brash and carnal. It makes me smile a subversive smile whenever I see them...Rowr!