i won I Won I WON!

Remember that Marie Forleo B-School scholarship contest I told you about, the one for big-hearted peeps who want to make the world a better place and need to learn online marketing skills to do it?


A very big THANK YOU to everyone who watched and passed along my video!

I was one of 54 scholarship winners selected out of 1,500 applications. (Thats a 3.6% acceptance rate, more competitive than Harvard's 6.9%. I know it's different, but it still makes me feel special...)

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited, and thrilled that someone with Marie Forleo's clout and visibility was willing to back our little YatraYoni.com. Never heard of Ms. Marie? Here are some highlights from her bio:

  • Named by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation
  • Head of one of Inc’s 500 fastest growing companies of 2014
  • Reaches over 275,000 readers in 193 countries worldwide
  • Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Fast Company, Glamour Magazine, Self Magazine, Forbes.com and The New York Times
  • Has mentored business owners at Sir Richard Branson’s Centre of Entrepreneurship

Pretty awesome that from an 89 second video she thought I was worth $2000 of free education. 

I'm excited I got the attention of Marie and her team, I am excited to work with and alongside the other ambitious dreamers of the 2015 B-School class, but mostly I am thrilled to learn this get-your-message-out-there thing and knock it outta the park!

To happy vaginas everywhere! CHEERS!