Research Participants - that's YOU! - NEEDED

I was renewing my NVA membership recently and the "Urgent Appeal to Vulvodynia Patients" on the home page caught my eye.

Apparently some studies on v pain have been cancelled because researchers couldn't find enough patient volunteers. Yikes!

For so long v pain was completely ignored by the medical community, so understandably many women are frustrated by the lack of attention and quality treatment options available. But now that they ARE beginning to research it, well by golly, we'd better step up and help out!

I mentioned an online study that you can easily participate in not long ago - you can find it the post about it here or jump right to the link here.  You can find additional studies you may be qualified for through the NVA's web page on the topic

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I can't help but wonder why researchers are struggling to find subjects. Is it because suffering women don't know about these opportunities? The cultural silence and shame around this topic would definitely help to explain that, and encourages me to continue to be the change I wish to see in the world by writing this blog, among other things. 

Or is it that enough women know about the studies (again, doubtful)...but they are too shy or scared to step up? Is it because they are afraid treatments could make things worse, or the proposed treatment is somehow unappealing? Are they averse to being labeled, or coming out of the denial closet? Or do they just not prioritize v health, an understandable situation given the many pressures women face? (Note all of these reasons can be traced back to cultural shame and silence.)

If you are interested but concerned about volunteering for medical care that doesn't jive with your preferences, fret not: some studies are researching acupuncture, others looking into drugs, others are simply gathering data on the people affected. Peruse the listings, you might be surprised to see that there is something in your comfort zone. (Or ya know, in the neighborhood at least. Because nothing having to do with v pain is in anybody's comfort zone, amirite?)

It could be that there potential recruits who are willing but ineligible - for instance, studies often require that women are not pregnant or trying to get pregnant, or focus on a very specific set of symptoms or age bracket, or require that you aren't taking other medications.

Regardless of the reason, I would hate for the emerging research on v pain to fall apart because we the patients didn't supported it. Noooooooo!!!! That would suck so hard.

I strongly encourage you to consider participating in scientific research, for your health and those of others. Check it out! By participating we get to be each others' medicine. How cool is that?

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PS Did this post get your brain gears crankin'?

Feel free to start a conversation below (it's okay, you can be anonymous)!

Easy Research Participation Opportunity!



There's a new opportunity for women with v pain to participate in research!

No travel or time in the stirrups required. It's an online questionnaire from the same folks who brought you the VPAQ (and is indeed a followup to that study.)

Most of you are probably eligible to participate:

  • you must have regularly experienced pain in your vulvar/genital region for at least six months
  • be fluent in English
  • over the age of 18
  • have access to the Internet

To fill out the survey hop on over to the Queen's University Sex Lab info page. (I wanna work at a place called "Queen's Sex Lab." How awesome is that?) And you can follow them on Twitter, @qsexlab.

It's an easy peasy way to help advance much needed research on this topic. So go ahead, make your voice heard!

VPAQ Reminder - Due March 1st!

Hey everyone! I wrote about this back in January but here is your timely reminder in case you missed it:

The VPAQ questionnaires are due next Monday March 1st! So hop on over and get yours done!

What is the VPAQ? The Vulvar Pain Assessment Questionnaire, conducted by Queen's University in Ontario. They are trying to get more information about vulvar pain, from the perspective of patients.

It's a lot of multiple choice questions, but you also get to respond to open-ended queries such as "What has seeking medical attention been like for you?"

It was sweet, sweet pleasure answering that one...I could finally unload all of the miserable details of the past ten years in a productive way.

So curl up with your computer and help others help you!


PS If you found me over the weekend thanks to my winning B-School video, WELCOME! I am so glad that you are here. As you may have guessed given the B-School application, I've got a lot going on in the background to grow this little website in the coming months. 

Contact me, even if it is just to say hi. It's fun to when a new subscriber becomes more than an email address and I get to hear a bit about you.

PPS As of this morning that little YouTube video had over 920 hits. Maybe by the time you receive this it will have reached 1,000?